Our Sections
Scouting is the biggest and most successful youth organisation in Australia.
Approximately 15,000 boys, girls and adults in Queensland from various cultural or religious backgrounds and with varying abilities, participate in all aspects of Scouting.
Scouts are in every part of our community.
The Scout Movement is comprised of sections developed around the age of the young people,

To join, fill out the CONTACT FORM and the Group Leader will contact you to arrange a visit to the section suitable to your child.
Why Join Scouts?
Scouts learn
- Self-Confidence
- To Accept Challenges
- Environmental Issues
- Initiative & Problem Solving
- To Achieve Badges & Awards
- Leadership
- To Keep It Fun
- Planning & To Be Prepared
- Independence
- To Be Risk Takers
- The Importance of Community Involvement
- Teamwork
Got Some Questions
How does my child join Scouts?
- Use the Group locator to find your local Scout Group https://scoutsqld.com.au/group-locator/
- Call Us or Email to get in touch with your local group.
- Go for a visit with your child to see what the Scouts do – (just wear comfortable play clothes and covered shoes)
- Your Group Leader will provide information about the Group as well as the registration form
- Fill in the form to join up and watch your child grow and learn with each exciting Scouting adventure
- Around four to six weeks your child will be invested and this is when they will require their uniform
Will my child go on camps?
- Groups hold many different activities, sleepovers and camps throughout the year
- The program is specifically designed to develop each youth member and activities are aged based accordingly
- Chat to your Group Leader they can let you know all about the fun your child will have throughout the year
- Scout Groups run their programs around the school terms
Can I get involved without becoming a Leader?
- Groups encourage families to get involved and there are many things that you can do to support the Group
- Groups will welcome Leaders and other helpers and sometimes Sections require parent helpers on random occasions
- Chat to your Group Leader – they will be happy to chat about the different roles that are needed to keep the Group active
Are the Leaders qualified?
- Scouts Queensland is committed to providing quality programs and all Leaders undertake a Basic and Advanced training course as part of the National Training
- All Adult Members must complete mandatory Child Protection and WH & Safety modules
I missed the sign on day can I still join?
- Scouts is different to sports clubs as it doesn’t work on a season but runs all year round and you can join anytime
- Scout Groups tend to use the state school terms and break for holidays throughout the year accordingly
What if we try Scouts and it’s not for us?
- Scouts Qld has a six week cooling off period after the full membership has been paid – if you decide Scouting isn’t for your child and you advise us within the six week period of joining your membership will be refunded in full.
- Most investitures into the Group don’t happen until the six week period so uniforms are not needed to be purchased until this time as well.

Be Prepared for New Adventure