What is Scouting
Scouting has been integral in developing the skills of youth and adults for over 100 years. It is a worldwide Movement with more than 40 million Scouts participating in the most successful youth organisation. In Queensland more than 15,000 boys, girls and adults in Queensland participate in the fun of Scouts. Scouting encourages diversity and inclusion – it’s truly education for life!
What is the Purpose of Scouting?
Scouts provides young Aussies aged 5 to 25* with fun and challenging opportunities to grow through adventure. Scouts is the largest youth movement in the nation and the world. The purpose of the Scout Movement is to encourage the physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual development of young people so that they take a constructive place in society as responsible citizens and as members of their local, national and international communities. Scouts become inspiring and resilient leaders.
* Must have had their fifth birthday and be eligible to start Year 1 prior to commencing in this Section
Scouts learn:
- life skills
- the importance of community involvement
- self-confidence
- to accept challenges
- environmental issues
- initiative and problem solving
- to achieve badges and awards
- leadership
- planning and to be prepared
- independence
- to keep it fun
- to be risk takers
- teamwork
Why Scouts?
Scouting is fun!
Scouting is definitely fun, and it also prepares young people for life in the adult world by teaching responsibility for their own actions and progress. These achievements lay a solid foundation for the success of our future Australian leaders. But don’t tell the kids they’re learning… they think they’re just having fun!
No matter the age of the participant, Scouts provides fun and exciting programs that promote active learning. Whether the young boys and girls are canoeing, camping, visiting museums or helping their local community, the activity is sure to teach them about themselves and the world around them.

Scouting is Adventurous!
Each year, all sections of Scouts learn to share responsibilities and to live with each other through adventures set in the outdoors. Camping, abseiling, caving, horseback riding, fishing, rock climbing and diving are just a few of the exciting experiences that a Scout may have achieved in his or her time as a youth member.
Scouting is Challenging!
Scouts challenge their minds as well as their bodies. Not everyone looks for the outdoor buzz all the time, so Scouts have challenging activities linked with the internet and amateur radio, performance arts such as singing, dancing, and acting and awards linked to citizenship, community service and personal spiritual development.
Scouting is Commitment!
Scouting makes a direct and positive impact on the community by teaching positive values and leadership skills to youth. Every year, Scouts and their Leaders contribute thousands of volunteer hours to their local communities. Sharing time with the aged in the local community, helping with Clean Up Australia Day, Harmony Day and Earth Hour are just a few examples of the commitment Scouts make to their communities.
Scouting is Inclusive!
We encourage the integration of children with special needs – physical and mental disabilities or medical conditions – into regular Scout Groups. Our Scout Groups have a vast and welcoming community of varying faiths and cultures. Scouting really is for everyone!
Scouting is Global!
There are over 40 million Scouts across the world – joining Scouts Queensland connects you to them all. International opportunities include joining the Jamboree on the Air (JOTA), Jamboree on the Internet (JOTI), making a Pen-Pal, attending a World Jamboree or a World Scout Association event.

“The most worth-while thing is to try to put happiness into the lives of others.”
Robert Baden-Powell
Founder of Scouts
Be Prepared for New Adventure